13 November 2023

the Dreaming

while there are dreams 
that are meant to be
held onto with Hope
(like Peace on Earth
and Justice for All
and the seeming
impossibility of Love
accepting and connecting
and enlivening All)
even these dreams
that capture our imaginations
can also hold Us 
captive to our machinations
visions of fascination
that devolve into fixation
upon that final destination 
trapped within a stifling
incarceration of scheming
and sweating and steaming
(and sometimes screaming)
to make the dream
into a reality...

but what if
it's not so much
the dream itself 
but the Dreaming
that sets our Spirits
soaring and streaming
into new realms
of growth and healing
we never imagined
were possible before
(even when we're feeling
like we're kneeling
and needing to wish
on every Blue Moon
in the night
without a lucky
Star in sight)
and reminds us
that dreams possibly
are sent less 
to believe in
as a final destination
of full realization
and more to receive
as a liminal inspiration
towards fuller actualization
of Self and Soul
fleeting Incarnations
that break our hearts
apart and wide open
and make our parts
more wholly Whole
and helps us
not to forget
how holding on
(while something Life
requires us to do
from time to time
in order to survive)
ultimately sets the stage
for the Glorious Gifts
of Grace to arrive
on wings of Freedom
(enabling us to thrive
and float and fly
like beautiful leaves
falling in the Breeze)
that are only perceived
and received and realized
in the letting go...?

#255wordprayers #HopefulNovember #WhereWouldWeBeWithoutWishfulThinkingOnTheMoonTonight #KudosToTweedyAndFogelbergAndBuechner

('Trust' © Netanel Morhan)

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