15 November 2023


Your Beloved Ian
when faced
with a challenging
circumstance will say
'This is HARD'
and he's right...

being absent
from Beloveds
trapped in turmoil
and terror
is hard

feeling distant
in the midst
of instantaneous and
inevitable danger
is hard

staying silent
in the throes
of actual and 
anticipated agony
is hard

and yet
hard things
in Creation
can caramelize
what's petrified
for protection
in fear
and cauterize
old wounds
and catalyze
new ways
of opening
and flexing
and adapting
and evolving
and Being
in Love

so may
the Hardness
not harden
our Heads
but humble
our Hearts
and penetrate
our Psyches
and soften
and Spirits
and harness
our energies
like Horses
to ride
onto new trails
into new Realities
of Healing
in the Rhythm
of Revealing
and swaying
to the Music
of neighing
the Song
ever sung
in Love...

(even in absence
and distance
and Silence...)

Let It Be.

#150wordprayers #HopefulNovember #PeaceInIsraelPalestineAndAllOverOurWorld #ComfortForAllWhoAreGrievingLossesAbsencesDistancesSilences #AllDistanceHasAWayOfMakingLoveUnderstandable #WilcoFTWOnceAgain

('Stained Glass Horse' © Dianne Connolly)

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