13 April 2021

cape disappointment

hiking out 
to the end
of the land
only to find
the cape i seek
living up
to its name
fenced off
from seekers
as protection
for a rugged
yet fragile peak
battered by storms
buffeted into corrosion
and erosion
attempting to avoid
further disjointment
of the soil
that supports
the signal
to the sailors
in those harrowing
and hallowed Waters
of Light
in the depths
of darkness
and Hope
in the soul
of starkness
and Peace
in the whipping
of winds
and the whirling
of waves
leading the way
through the chaos
keeping players sane
in the throes
of the game
the journey
from uncertain harbors
to Home

striking out 
at the end
of my turn
still so much
to learn
about living
with open hands
and trusting
with open heart
and giving
with the benefits
of doubt
and releasing
all the shame
that entraps me
in blame
and deceives me
into believing
that my name
is disappointment
and denying
the Name
of the One
who loves me
just the same
in times of Grace
and disgrace
and leaves no trace
of gratuitous guilt
upon my Self
who reminds me
that maybe
the cape i seek
is not meant
to be wandered
upon this Earth
as a space
of recrimination
as a heathen bum
but to be worn
upon my shoulders
as a sign
of Incarnation
as a Human Being
not a superhero
who transcends laws
of time and space
but an ordinary hero
who embodies Love
in time and space
in extraordinary ways
that surprise us all

like a Lighthouse
sitting upon sensitive
and sacred Soil
shining into sordid
and stunning storms
may we all stand
as burning beacons
of luminous Life
to all beings
tossed and thrown
upon the waves
of worry and woe
harbouring Hope
for tender souls
tangled in anchors
of shame and guilt
and anger
needing to be unraveled
upon the safe shores
of unconditional Acceptance
enfolded in embrace
grounded in Grace
that engenders expectations
as fruitless
and renders disappointment
as useless
but simply receives
whatever washes in
with the Tides
and provides space
for what needs
to rest
and be revived
before rejoining 
the Rhythm
striking out
into the Tide
and enjoying
the Ride

#Eastertide2021 #TheGraveyardOfThePacificProvidesInspirationForResurrection

('Big Flower Wave, Cape Disappointment' © Dean Byrd)

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