26 June 2024

ode to Joy

amidst all 
the what-if's
and oh-no's
and i-wish's
and i-shoulda's
and i-coulda's
and i-woulda's
and who-knows
and let-go's
and hold-on's
and i-miss's
and i-can't's
and i-won't's
and i-must's
and i-fear's
and i-trust's
and i'm-lost's
and i'm-bound's
and i-long's
(to be Found)
and i-want's
and i-shove's
and i-need's
(to be Loved)
may we know
that the Flow
always goes where
we need It
and while we
can be so
easily entangled
by the incapacity
that is created
by anxiety
we also have
the Capacity 
(beyond sad 
and happy)
for surprising Joy
from Beyond and
within our Selves
to be unfurled
to our World
enabling the Elasticity
to Feel the Flow
and Heed It
and not only
to Ride It
but also
to Feed It
and Seed It
into the Soil
hardened and mangled
by a mindset
of scarcity
Softening all expanses
and circumstances
that are rough
Embracing all distances
and differences
that are tough
and reminding Us
through all
the fluster
and fluff
the bluster
and bluff
that We are
and We are


#175wordprayers #AllOurEmotionsAreNeededAndEmbracedInTheFlow #ThanksToJoyForBeingPresentBeneathSadnessAndHappiness #ThanksToPixarAndTheBrillianceOfInsideOutOneAndTwo

(Joy Embracing the Whole Self  from 'Inside Out 2' © Disney/Pixar 2024)

1 comment:

  1. Indeed. There is enough. You are enough and God is ALWAYS enough. PS I LOVED this movie. It's a must see! Kirsten
