19 June 2024

Say Hey & Hallelujah

the greatest player
in the history
of the greatest game
in our history
made the greatest catch
without seeing the ball
until right before it 
landed in his mitt
but sensing where
it was heading
he headed himself
in that direction
without looking back
but innately Knowing
which way it was going
and which Way
the Wind was blowing
and where the Energy
was freely Flowing
his Spirit trusted
in what he
could not see
and the ball
eventually did arrive
and the Play
(and history)
was made
not unlike Justice
deferred and delayed
eventually did arrive
to those Beloveds
still slaving away
in the dusted
and distant expanses
making a declaration
of true Independence
and a proclamation
of true Emancipation
and the ever-presence
of Divine Humanity
in all Beloveds
a true Incarnation
resurrected into expression
of true Interdependence
a holistic Jubilee
of unbridled Celebration
that all Beloveds
are truly Free
(and by Trust
in What we
do not see
will always Be)
so Say Hey
and Hallelujah
for miraculous Plays
and courageous Stays
and Infinite Ways
to embody Faith
and true Equality
and Liberty
and Justice
for All...


#190wordprayers #Juneteenth2024 #RIPToTheSayHeyKid #WillyMaysTheGOAT #LoveAndRespectToOpalLeeTheCatalystForJuneteenth #97YearsYoungStillGlowingAndGoingStrong 

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