04 July 2024

a New Song (Interdependence Day 2024)

in this time
where it's unclear
what song to sing
(or which song
we'll be allowed
or required to sing)
'God Bless America'
or 'God Save the King'
(or simply 'God
Save Us All')
and seemingly all
that we fear
is becoming 
unceasingly visible
and unbecomingly clear
for this one nation
aspirationally 'under God'
supposedly 'indivisible'
and yet viscerally 
appearing to be
asphyxiatedly drowning 
under waters of worry
and floods of fanaticism
with Hope yearning
to breathe free
yet increasingly invisible
and subversively submerged
and Peace running
for its Life
away from death
gasping for Breath
grasping for Sanity
longing for Liberty
and our Beloved
and bedraggled Community
hating each other
into deeper hurting
from untrusting pathology
baiting each other
into another bludgeoning
from unstable ideology
with the only
shimmers of Space
coming to us
even more discreetly
and the only
glimmers of Grace
coming through us
even more cheaply
may We somehow
remember amidst all
the begrudging 
and berating
that can grieve us
and leave us 
feeling like that 
'grand old flag'
(tattered and torn)
that We remain
a Nation still
waiting to be Born
aching to emerge
into the World
as a Light unfurled
on the Eternal Wings
of the proverbial Eagle
with a New Song
as ageless as
the Ancient of Days
Germinating and Growing
in our Hearts
Creating and Composing
the Melody of Magnificence
and Harmony of Hope
and Rhythm of Reconciliation
waiting to be Sung
and may we not
misuse the Eagle's claw
to cling onto beguiling
branches of control
but may our Creator
mend our every flaw
and confirm our Soul
in Spirited self-control
and may we find
our longed-for Liberty
not only in 
the Law of Land
but even more deeply
within and among Us
the Law of Love
in Our Time...


#300wordprayers #HappyInterdependenceDay2024 #GodBlessUsEveryone #WeAreStillOne #WeAreStillTheBelovedCommunity #WeAreStillWaitingToBeBorn #BreatheAndPush #RevolutionaryLove #LibertyAndEqualityAndJusticeForAll

('The Cry of the Earth' © Arthur Mhkoyan)

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