01 November 2023


as the raging grey
Sky and Sea
are overwhelming 
and overcoming me
like the fury
that blinds us
to the Rainbow
that We Are
and empowers us
to overpower others
with virulent violence
in reactive response
to the atrocities
perpetrated upon us
(selectively ignoring
the destructiveness
perpetrated upon others)
hurt people
hurting other people
traumatized Beloveds
traumatizing other Beloveds
(not recognizing them
as fellow Beloveds
but as inhumane
and inhuman beings)
skirting our similarities
flirting with polarities
to drive us
even farther apart
and into greater
despair amidst disparities
drowning under waves
of relentless fear
i sense a scent
of Spirited Salt
in stormy Swells
and swelling Tears
i catch a sight
of distant Light
a Glimpse
into Eternity
a Vision
of our deeper
more innate Divinity
our Sacred Solidarity
as One Connected
and Beloved Humanity
that transcends
these seemingly insurmountable
expressions of division
through a picture
from a young
traumatized Beloved
who clearly sees
through troubled eyes
not a sordid
and scattered anomaly
of fearful
and fallow Souls
but a Blesséd
and Beautiful Tapestry
of Hopeful
and Hallowed Beings
saturated in Love
that makes us 
Holy and Whole
(even with holes)
immersed in Hope
that is Freeing
and empowers Us
to wholeheartedly celebrate
our unique Originality
amidst our Interconnectivity
that flows from
a deeper Sea
a broader Sky
a brighter Sun
that enables us
to see through
the storms threatening
to overwhelm
and overcome Us
and to perceive
(and believe in)
the Rainbow
that We Are...


#250wordprayers #ThankfulNovember #ForBraveYoungBelovedsWhoHelpUsThroughLivingNightmaresToSeeReality

('The Land and Love That Binds Us All Together' © Anja Rozen, age 13 from Slovenia, winner of the international contest Plakat MIRU. She was chosen among 600,000 children from all over the world. 'My poster represents the Earth that connects and unites us. People stick to each other. If one person lets go, the rest will fall. We are all connected to our planet and to each other, but unfortunately, we are often not aware of it.')

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