02 November 2023


i was Awakened
by the crosswinds
whipping against windows
above and beyond
and the rain
that didn't remain
on the plane
in Spain but
is showering down
and across town
like a crossword 
puzzling my puzzler
pelting my brain
losing that train
that has run
away in thought
freighted with weight
from worries about
what the Winds
might lift up
and blow away
revealing all that
i'm feeling when 
i'm reeling in
the years and
the fears that
i'm so skilled
at carefully concealing
now at risk
of being featured 
in an exposé
of a creature
who has sought
comfort and protection
and relative ease
allowing innate compassion
to slowly freeze
whilst disavowing the
empowering of the
Greatest Affection of
all Beloved Ones
turning from It
yet yearning for 
It to appear
like the Light 
of a billion
Suns burning through
the claustrophobic clouds
unveiling what's beneath
the sordid shrouds
i've held Sacred
a throbbing head
filled with shame
and sobbing heart
filled with pain
taking the form
of a fearful
and dreadful monster
who must remain
captive and not
be released lest
he be unleashed
upon the world
(so his bluster
and thunder is
released in safer
places through sticks
upon skins in
a passionate play
and force upon 
limbs running farther
away from yet
also further into
the Depths of
his Soul lest
he completely stray
from the Force
that accompanies him
on the Course
along the Way
Who's silently remained
by his side
in his bloodstream
as his Lifestream
even when Life
has caused him
to violently scream
and the Love
that constantly resides
within his Being
perpetually inviting him
to Peacefully abide)
yet the Winds
will powerfully blow
and the Waves
will towerfully flow
as they will
where they will
uncontainable and uncontrollable
(even within stormy
Seas and Skies)
removing unmovable objects
and unearthing surprise
unthinkable and unimaginable 
before my eyes
within my ears
my terrifying fears
becoming a pathway
into inconceivable Hope
where i discover
the supposed monster
is actually cuddling
a Magnificent Boy
all curled up
in a corner
on the floor
shivering and shuddering
from the storms
surrounded by Love
that gently calms
and Gracefully warms
the frozen heart
melting the frost
embracing the shame
replacing the thorns
upon his brow
with a crown
of Radiant Joy
at the Gift
of internal Wow
amidst the shift
from infernal pow
in the drift
of Eternal Now
celebrating the continual
Ebb and Flow
of the Waves
of endless Wonder
that lift up
Spirits cast asunder
and empower all
that is submerged
to emerge into
the evolving New
the Transformative Switch
that flips perspective
of what's True
and enables us
to be more
fully perceptive and
receptive to the
Light in which
we are Awakened...


#460wordprayers #SometimesWhatUnnervesUsServesToAwakenUsToWhatIsRealAndTrueAndHopeful

('Where the Wild Things Are' © Massimo Carnevale)

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