25 December 2022

Mysterious Magnifications (Xmas 2022)

for this Day
when we ponder
how our expectation 
for an alleviation
of our frustration
is met by
an inarticulate Incarnation
who gives us
not an explanation
but an embrace
a Mysterious Magnification
of luminous Grace
in a radiant
Face that reflects
and reminds us
that we shine
the same Light
and we share
the same Air
and reside in
the same Space
and abide in
the same Love
that's beyond articulation
not needing explication
but only Demonstration...

Thank You.

#80wordprayers #HappyXmas2022fromAllOfUsMysteriouslyMagnifyingMarshes

(brian, T-Bone (Trevor), Kir, and E-Man (Ian)

1 comment:

  1. Blessings for a Happy & Healthy New Year ♥️🙏
