01 January 2022

Too Much (New Year 2022)

we feel stressed
with too much 
anxiety and heartbreak
behind us
and too much 
uncertainty and worldshake
ahead of us
and i Wonder
how much more
we can take...

yet i sense
beneath the plates
of our topography
tectonically shifting
above the states
of our mentality
maniacally drifting
a Centered Essence
that Grounds us
a Celestial Presence
that Astounds us
and a Cosmic Candescence
that abounds within
and among us...

so may our Year 
ahead of us
be one of 
surprise and Spirit
joviality and Jubilee
re-Creation and re-Connection
Passion and Compassion
new Worlds to explore
new Wonders to Adore
new Wishes to caress
new Words to express...

may we all receive
the free Gift
of each new
Breath and Heartbeat
sight and sound
taste and touch
dream and desire 
with open Arms
open Minds
open Hearts
open Lives...

may we be encouraged
by the Love
that is stronger
than death
by the Grace
that is greater
than fear
and empowered
by the Peace
that Transcends
our comprehension
(and condescension
and apprehension)
and embodies Hope...

and may we discover 
buried far beneath
the pervasive polarity 
and seeming scarcity
of human charity
the astounding abundance
of Sacred Solidarity
and Holy Hilarity
that binds us together
and reminds us forever
that in a world
that constantly unfurls
the despair and disparity
of not having enough
in the Reality
of the Divine Economy
(which at its Heart
is truly a Comedy)
we have been blessed
with Too Much...

Let It Be...


#250wordprayers #HappyNewYear2022 #NeverTooMuchGracePeaceHopeLove #WeAreMoreThanEnough #WeAreTheBelovedCommunity 


  1. Happy New Year! What an inspiring way to begin 2022!

    1. Thanks, dear Holly...Happy New Year to you and your dear family as well, with much Love. :)

  2. A wonderful analysis of Hope - and the obstructions to perceiving it (even though we cannot "see" it). Thank you for the assurance, from one who shares in that perception. God bless you...and us all in this New Year (and stable plate on which it is sound to build and move forward)

    1. Thanks so much, dear Duncan...Happiest New Year to you, my friend. :)
