22 July 2020


i've soared
on the wings
of flight
from the Real
i've wrestled
with the limbs
in the fight
with all i feel
but in these days
of pandemic-induced isolation
i succumb
to the numbness
of the freeze
within a self-created
silo of hesitancies
and inactivities emerging
from acute anxieties
and vast uncertainties
the chilling realities
blustering around me
slowly hardening the surface
of my Self
into a shell
of itself
sensing the isolation
increasing the suffocation
of my Soul
blurring its vision
slurring its speech
restricting its movement
confining its chance
to continue the Dance
of Delight
it's exhausting
to stay awake
and not lose sight
to not give up
the Desire
and the fight
for dignity and equality
and justice for all
to empower the flight
of fanciful freedom
and healing for all
to remember
that beneath
the slowly hardening surface
the River still flows
the Light still glows
the heart keeps beating
the lungs keep breathing
the Spirit still shows
the Love still grows

breathe on me
O Sirocco of Spirited Softening 
breathe in me
O Chinook of Cosmic Catharsis
breath through me
O Aeolian of Authentic Awakening


#190wordprayers #FlightFightFreezeFlow #LoveInTheAgeOfCOVIDIsHard #LoveIsStillStrongerThanCOVID

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