04 October 2019

Time In

Sun tucked away
like a child
on 'time out'
longing to get out
and play
the clouds will
eventually part
or melt away
or burn off
as we like
to say
and what will be
revealed in the Radiance
of the Day?
secrets long concealed?
cancers now congealed?
answers never found?
hopes run aground?
or wounds needing Air
and Sunlight and care
the warmth of compassion
and burdens shared
with no need to explain
all the shame
or compare the deep pain
with the struggles of others
the sisters and brothers
in lands far away
the reality that lies
underneath is the same
the illusion of guilt
whilst attempting
to keep sane
will the Sun
call 'time in'
and attempt to begin
to burn off
all the dross
from the lies
and the loss
of self-Love
and respect
what you've come
to expect
and reveal
a new Glory
refined from the old
a new story
to be told
from innate Grace
and Glory?
the Light
might be hidden
unbidden, away
but it is
ever Present
and it always wins
the Day

(Let it Be.)

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