12 May 2024

Unknowingly Known (Mother's Day 2024)

it all begins
with a radical Risk
a Leap of Faith
into the Unknown
for the sake
of Incarnate Love
in the form
of an Unknown
yet Knowing intuitively
that the Journey
through murky uncertainty
into unbelievable Birth
is worth the danger
like a friend request
sent to a familiar
and Beloved stranger
allowing the Life
of another to enter
the deepest, most vulnerably
intimate places within
opening up to embraces
from faces only imagined
appearing in surprising places
endearingly and perpetually
in spaces that stretch
the sinews and warm
the Senses and Souls
Eternally like a Manger
and while the Path
winds its wild Way
through blind alleys
and dark valleys
over dazzling peaks
at dizzying heights
like a maniacal
and Mystical rollercoaster
there are no regrets
only plenty of Re-Gifts
that Miraculously Multiply
with each Giving
if not like rabbits
at least like remnants
precious and rare
(sometimes rarely shared)
of a limitless Love
that keeps on living
through precious reminiscences
amidst painful remisses
over endless distances
and friendless absences
with a Pulse
that keeps Pumping
and a Heart
that keeps Hoping
and a Grace
that keeps Guiding
and a Courage
that keeps Encouraging
from the very start
through every chart
of unimaginable weather
even when apart
always intrinsically Together...

for all our Mothers 
and Nurturing Others...


#220wordprayers #MothersDay2024 #GratefulForTheHistoryOfPlungingDeeperIntoMystery

('Mujer' © Marie Aschehoug-Clauteaux)

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