on our Planet
in our Psyches
that is battering
(and even bludgeoning)
our Senses of Spirit
and sentient Self
out of ferocious fear
and horrific hate
into a collective haze
where we desperately scream
in a perpetual Maydaze
and as the rate
of the blood
pumping through our persons
coursing through our veins
is forcing us
to flee away
and causing us
to hold plausibility
(and even possibility)
distantly at bay
while the pulp
of our Personhood
slurps and syphons
into comforting cocoons
and protective buds
amidst the strife
of double-standarded destruction
and genocidal guilt
(and gut-wrenching grief)
wielded by wanna-be
despots and dictators
espousing desires for peace
whilst eschewing any tangible
efforts towards relief
with fewer answers
and more cancers
we find ourselves
waiting and wondering
if and when
any beautiful Blossoms
or bedazzling Butterflies
will eventually emerge
in a Spirited Surge
of Luminous Love
a single-minded Wisdom
and single-hearted Hope
for restorative Healing
and Resurrected Life...
and maybe while
our tempers boil
and our sanities uncoil
all too visibly
and we look around
and shout out
'What's goin' ON?'
those dormant seeds
in Sacred Soil
are slowly stretching
and taking root
silently and invisibly
and the subtle sprigs
of new growth
are already forming
and the sublime sparks
of new Light
are already happening
in the Divine Darkness
underneath and WITHIN
ready to burst out
in Radiant Rays
of neverending Maydays...
Let It Be.
#240wordprayers #Eastertide2024 #Mayday2024
('Regeneration' © Verena Wild)
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