for the steps taken
into the Unknown
the dark corners
that don't trap Us
but Transform Us
the dim garages
that surprise Us
as subterranean Sources
of Sacred Sparks
that illuminate connections
and ignite passions
like heavenly headlights
and ecstatic engines
the distant barrages
of disparate situations
and stormy separations
attempting to deafen
the rolling Thunder
of blissful Breaths
and powerful Pulses
swirling like Surf
twirling in Rhythm
like Magnificent Waves
of Infinite Wonder
on moonlit Beaches
the desolate days
beyond the reaches
of healing Haze
where gloomy infamy
shades a perennial
and sensational blooming
of incandescent Beauty
and Grace-full Dignity
in Transcendent Humanity
trancing and Dancing
with Resplendent Divinity
the dead ends
that end up
being poetical portals
into new Beginnings
where exits
are revealed
to be entries
engendering Possibilities
and tendering Hope
for nascent Realities
flowing Eternally...
#140wordprayers #DistanceAsADoorwayToCloseness #AbsenceAsAPathwayOfPresence #DespairAsAGatewayToHope #LanguishingAsACausewayToLove #ClosingsAsAWayToOpenings
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