when it cools
a raging fever
or keeps
our sustenance fresh
or creates
caverns of protection
but cruelly maniacal
when it turns
safe passageways
into ferocious flumes
and chaps
not only lips
but hides
and cracks
wills and heads
and traps
innocent peoples
in dangerous dungeons
of gratuitous gloom
inducing Sanity
(and even Life)
to slip away
so for all
its brilliant Beauty
(amidst impenetrable acuity)
when it accumulates
over a sequence
of neverending days
of frustrating frigidity
that makes
our paths
seemingly impassible
and causes
our ways
to perpetuate
some sense
of Peace
to become
seemingly impossible
exacerbating our wailing
and flailing futility
after no relief
from our grief
feeling buried beneath
its harrowing gaze
may some Mystical
and Healing Haze
(emanating and reverberating
and radiating Warmth
from Humble Hearts)
break through
the solidity
of space
and the rigidity
of face
with the Infinity
of Grace
that thaws Us
and causes
all that is
frozen in fear
petrified in pain
within Us
to melt away
softening up
the fallow Soil
of our Selves
with hallowing rays
that mend
our tender wounds
and render anew
the vibrant Vitality
and delicate Divinity
of our Humanity...
Let It Be.
#200wordprayers #Icepocalypse2024 #SnowIsSensational #RainIsRevelational #ButIceInvokesInstabilityInsustainabilityAndInsanity #MeltTheIceWithTheWarmthOfLove
('Melt My Frozen Heart' © Ivana Simulnovic)
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