when society demands
that we stretch
our schedules and resources
to host the holliest
and jolliest parties
and grab the latest
and greatest gifts
and stress our Selves
out to the limits
of our bearings
and Beings
(to Infinity
and Beyond)
just to actualize
what we are taught
to fantasize about
all year long
the holographic hope
of the holiday high
and the Cosmos
gives us the unexpected
and unbidden Gift
of the darkest
of Days
and the longest
of Nights
just to recognize
all the reasons
we have to agonize
beneath the weight
of the World
while we wait
for the Light
to be unfurled
and lighten the load
of our burdens
the irretrievable losses
the unbelievable strains
of inconceivable pains
of hearts and lives
being torn apart
like Mother Earth
or a mother
giving birth again
to new Life emerging
out of seasons
in the Darkness
(which often feels
less like a friend
and more like
the maniacal means
to our end)
digging further into
the Sacred Soil
the fragrant fertilizer
the Cosmic Compost
of Holy Humus
to gently unearth
the hidden Treasure
buried beneath the surface
coming face to Grace
with our inestimable Worth
as Sister Sun hangs
in the heavens
at her least altitude
above the horizon
the Dark enlights us
to see new Visions
of Incarnagraphic
and Humble Hope
within the Herizon
a deeper Reality
with Eternal Vitality
(through Infinity
and Beyond)
which Wisely reminds us
as unreality incites us
to stay high
Divinity invites us
to go Low...
#255wordprayers #Advent2023 #WinterSolstice2023 #TheLongestNightHoldsThe DeepestHope #ItsOkayToBeAfraidOfTheDark #JustRememberAllLifeBeginsInTheDark #YouAreNotAlone #YouAreLoved #YouAreLove
('Befriending Darkness' © Marek Piwnicki)
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