wishing upon the convergence
of clocks and calendars
for all who suffer
in disparate and distanced
places of despair
or chaotic and clamorous
cases of conflict
or languid and loathsome
spaces of loss
where there is seemingly
no way to find
Reconnection and Reconciliation
and all who struggle
in solitude and silence
required by circumstances
requited to changes
relegated to carry
a strange combination
of sorrow and shame
and Awe and Wonder
for perpetuating incarnations
that created and contributed
to trauma and Transformation
may the polarities embraced
by the similarities
of the numbers
reveal the underlying
Eternal Connectivities
pulsing and pumping
and providing us with
traces of Hope...
Let It Be.
#111wordprayers #Advent2023 #ForThoseWishingOnClocksOrCalendarsOrAngelsOrMoonsOrMessiahsToBringHope #PeaceInIsraelPalestineAndOurWorld
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