while saying Grace
may seem like
an unnecessary formality
around a table
including empty chairs
producing empty stares
reflecting empty spaces
in our Hearts
and lonely places
with languishing people
in our World
maybe our taking
that unneeded pause
and waiting with
some baited breaths
could cause us
to open our
eyes to recognize
and honour those
who have spent
(and still spend)
their days receiving
and displaying Grace
without saying much
since their Lives
do the talking
that is needed
breathing new Hope
into our World
by Being authentic
and believing in
our shared Reality
our Sacred Humanity
through Love that
illumines the Night
and Laughter that
confuses our fright
and Candor that
awakens our Sight
and Presence that
unveils the Light
and perhaps making
room for simple
moments like these
could help us
realize that those
spaces of absence
are in actuality
Places of Presence
Soil seeded
with Possibility
where we can
find our Selves
feeling traces of
Joy and Hope
and seeing Faces
of simple Beauty
and profound Spirit
who live on
in the Present
and in Memories
and within Mysteries
that are both
fleeting and freeing
and that may
end up being
our saving Grace...
#200wordprayers #HappyThanksgiving2023 #RememberingAndCelebratingBelovedsPresentInPersonAndInSpiritAlways
('Community of Thanksgiving' © Terri Davis)
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