when trying to imagine
an honest way
to celebrate this Day
of giving Thanks
as a coming together
at one Table
of different People
with different stories
(or different versions
of the same story
that for some
has become
a fantastical fable)
surrendering their convictions
and not nursing
their afflictions
while remembering that
the oppression experienced
by my forebears
in their Homeland
as beyond the pale
still pales in comparison
to the devastation
and discrimination endured
by those already here
in their Homeland
(at the hands
of my forebears)
and yet amidst
the glares of contempt
somehow there were flares
of Light sparking
embers of reflection
upon our Innate
and Sacred Connection
explorers (who were
sometimes exploiters)
seeking deeper Wisdom
from the Excluded
settlers acting upon
what they believed
was their God-given
(yet deluded) right
in taking the Land
now Gifting the Land
back to those
who recognize
that their sweat
and tears and blood
emerge from It
and return to It
and are made of It
who realize
that the clearest
most authentic sight
comes as a Surprise
more from our hearts
than through our eyes
then perhaps the ways
we can only envision
the divisions throughout
our world and lives
as smoke signals
of darkening and daunting
and ominous Skies
are actually a smokescreen
an incendiary haze
hindering our ability
to perceive with clarity
what is happening
in the deepest Parts
of our Psyches
and Somas and Spirits
and the Sordid
Sacred Soil Itself
maybe the idealized portraitof Indigenous and Indignant
together at one Table
is less a pipe dream
floating in from afar
and more a silkscreen
(saturated in smoke
from a Peace Pipe)
flowing through from within
depicting an honest Vision
of Who and Whose
We really are
One People connected
in One Love
on One Land
(that no one owns
and from which
We all emerge
and to which
We all return
and of which
We are all made)
who have no reason
to be afraid
and every reason
to be in Love
since That
is ultimately
the Sacred Stuff
of which We
all are made...
May It Be So
(in every Season)...
('Aho' is a word used in multiple Indigenous communities, most notably in Cherokee meaning 'Amen' and Kiota meaning 'Thank You'...which also happen to be the two ways i most regularly end prayers.)
#360wordprayers #HappyThanksgiving2023 #MayTheBelovedCommunityWeAreMoreFullyEmergeFromWhatIs
('Rainbow Dance' © Yoram Raanan, Beit Me'ir, Israel)
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