13 December 2024

(A)lonely Together

When i can't even
lift my eyes up
to the scuttled hole 
in the Sacred Ground
(let alone to the 
Hills or Heavens above)
where does my Help 
or Hope come from?
Maybe simply knowing that 
other bedraggled Beloved Ones
are out there Somewhere
(like that fledgling Family
traveling through treacherous times
on an arduous journey
deeper into the Night
following a curious flurry
of Stars and Signs
amidst increasingly furious Sighs
for birthing new Suns)
breathing the same Air
chewing the same cud
stewing on insane crud
undoing all that's been
screwing with their senses
of what's most Real
and unearthing all that
fear has been stowing
away within that hole
in the Sacred Ground
and allowing the Truth
buried beneath it all
to burrow Its long
forgotten Right of Way
(through mooing and moaning
and bleating and groaning
and breathing and pushing)
out into the begotten
Light of Day emerging
and showing All that 
is still Glowingly Growing
(through Clouds of Unknowing)
in a redemptive Reveal
of all Radiance concealed
and whispering Winds that
are still Blessedly Blowing
in a Way where
all of Us wayward
Souls see our tears
and sweat and strains
and worries and pains
somehow evaporate and cumulate
into a showering Rain
and converge and congeal
into a River Flowing
in Mysterious Motion into
an Ocean of Love
that extends and transcends
all Hills and Heavens
and Fables and Stables
that embraces all despair
in that empowering Hope
that calms trembling palms
and comforts traumatized Hearts
so heavily weighed down 
in weariness and worriedness
that we can't even
lift our eyes up
and reminds Us that 
loneliness can trap us 
in a deceptive phoniness
that blinds Us to
the receptive Kindness that
lowers our defenses and
opens our wounded Spirits
and heals our hardened
Hearts and restores our 
Vision to clearly see
(beyond all virtual reality)
for all the ways
we may feel like
we are confined in
a dungeon called 'Me'
we are intertwined in 
a Communion called 'We'...

Let It Truly Be.

#340wordprayers #Advent2024 #WeAreNotEstrangedOrSeparatedFromCreatorAndCreationAndCreationsAndNeverHaveBeenAndNeverWillBeNoMatterHowHardWeTryToConvinceOurselvesOtherwiseByActingInWaysUnwise #WeAreNotAlone #WeAreOne #WeAreLoved #WeAreLove

('No Room At The Inn' © Stushie)

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