03 June 2024

3-or-4-Ever-More (for 34)

for the Grace
that embraces misgivings
(and even snore-givings)
with endless Forgivings
needed for Living(s)
with endless Thanksgivings
that engages Breathing
when we're seething
and understandably needing 
space for grieving 
and unspoken soothing
that enacts Sharing
and compassionate Caring
when circumstances call
more for swearing
and fearful tearing
apart our bearings
that empowers Forbearing
of each other
when we're weathering
the bumpy lumps
(a few more
than 3 or 4)
that rise up
on the road
of Life together
with the Love
that helps us
keep our bearings
in our unique
and inimitable pairing
and meets us
when we're despairing
with the Light
that softly saturates
the daunting darkness
and gently scatters
our fragile fears
and the Laughter
that not only
rattles the rafters
but also shatters
the solidified hearts
so easily hardened
by the knocks
of painful strife
on this sordid
and Sacred Sod
with playful pokes
that remind us
of our parts
in the craziest 
and Holiest 
of Jokes
like the pitchers
and the catchers
blundering their signs
wondering who's on
first and what
is the score
and the batters
who need just
one good pitch
one good swing
to bring Everyone
safely back Home
and Redeem Everything
like the 3-Personed God
4-Ever and Evermore
the uproarious 
and glorious
Gift that Shines
in the Face
of the One
whom i awake
to each Morn
and Graces each
Day and Space
with Puma Pride
by my side...

Thank You.

(to dear Kir, for 34 years of facing our fears and embracing our tears with Love and Laughter...love, bri)

#240wordprayers #HappyAnniversaryToUs #PatienceAndPathosAndForbearanceAndFaithAndLaughterAndLoveCanCarryYouALongWay #BugsBunnyPetePumaAbbottAndCostelloJohnDunneAndTheHolyLaugherFTW #GoMilwaukieElPuentePumas 

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