into a World of sunsets
longing for a Sunrise,
out of the depths of Darkness,
Christ did indeed Arise.
arriving as a Mystery
of Divinely Human Surprise,
as a Child transforming our history,
Christ did indeed Arise.
embodying the Beauty of the Earth
and the Glory of the Skies,
in the Radiance of new birth,
Christ did indeed Arise.
abiding with a Beloved Community
suffering in sighs,
and meeting us in our deepest wounds,
Christ did indeed Arise.
seeing our languishing
and hearing our cries,
uplifting our Sacredness within our sordidness,
Christ did indeed Arise.
amidst of the flood of corruptions,
injustices and lies,
by living Truth to power,
Christ did indeed Arise.
enduring our fear-based projections
and crucifixions, and embracing us
in our shame-based disguise,
Christ did indeed Arise.
out of the caves of our collective blame
and the graves of our protective pain,
and into the Light of Love
where we will never be the same,
Christ did indeed Arise.
and leaving behind the dungeons
of our terror and dear,
and leaping into a Daybreak
that is Wonderfully clear,
Christ did indeed Arise.
in the realm of Resurrection,
Darkness reveals Light,
despair empowers Hope,
and death is the Pathway
to Life through Love...
and in the ebb and flow
of our journeys here below
converging with the Sun
shining down from above,
as we wind our ways
through the harrowing haze
of terrifying thunders,
betrayals and blunders,
languishing and lies,
wounds and waitings
(always the hardest parts),
anticipatings and Wonders,
anxieties and uncertainties
about whether Love survives
distances and disappearances
and circumstantial interferences
and if true Acceptance extends
beyond what society portends
is appropriate to embrace
with humble, unconditional Grace,
with hungry hearts and Hope-full eyes,
on this Day and every Day,
Christ DOES indeed Arise...
Thank You.
(A modified and expanded version of the Time of Reflection and Adoration from worship for Easter Sunday, 31 March 2024, Moreland Presbyterian Church, Portland, OR)
#300wordprayers #Easter2024 #WithEternalThanksToMayaAngelou #StillTheChristConsciousnessArises #WeAreALivingResurrection #WeAreTheBelovedCommunity #ATBC #NSN
('Christ is Risen!' by Bob Mennonna)
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