for all the Beloveds
who've seen me
in the shadows
and the Sunlight
and embraced me
in the shallows
and the Starlight
and Graced me
with acceptance
and forbearance
and carried me
even when shame
almost buried me
in desperate dependency
and grieved with me
over painful losses
unbelievable and unbearable
and believed in me
when i couldn't
believe in my Self
(which is often
still the case)
and dreamed with me
on floating continents
in disparate timezones
of incandescent Beaches
and desired Realities
just beyond reaches
yet silently connected
by Eternal Hopes
and perpetual Possibilities
in Transcendent Infinities
the faithful Faces
of Divine Presence
emanating Traces
of Revelatory Resonance
inhabiting the Spaces
in my holey Heart
reserved for those
who've been brave
enough to impart
their well-lived Wisdom
with fearless familiarity
and Holy Hilarity
and limitless Love
that they've shared
with me like
they've known me
from the start
and grown me
not merely in part
but more wholly
into my true Self
a dusty
and Stardusty Sojourner
a wounded
and Wondrous Wanderer
a bruised
and Beautiful Beloved...
#180wordprayers #ToBeLovedAndToLoveIsToSeeAndBeTheFaceOfTheDivine #LoveIsWhereDistanceIsClosenessAndAbsenceIsPresence #TheGreatestTreasuresAreRarelySeenButAlwaysFelt #59andFeelin(Mostly)Fine #HappyVaLENTinesDay #WeAreDust #WeAreStardust
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