galloping through the grass
in the dazzling Darkness
straining to make it
through the next pass
before the draining gloom
envelops my scared senses
in a walloping doom
of recriminations and regrets
from an uncertain past
a convergence of commitments
meant to shatter pretenses
but only serving to
stir up internal chatter
and infernal accusations of
lack of Essential Integrity
leaving my conscience flailing
in an attempted explaining
of how i wandered
so far from Home
and what a waste
of time and energy
my Life has been
as i make haste
through the frozen futility
towards whatever daunting destiny
awaits my sordid Self
adrift and all alone
until i discover
a Peaceful clearing
which enables me
to say whoah
to trotting terrors
and cantering chaos
and allow my
eyes to adjust
and expand vision
in the Night
and quell derision
that keeps me
trapped in fright
and opens me
to slowly recognize
a hidden Treasure
waiting for me
to gently uncover
in those depths
of seeming despair
with no choice
but to embrace
what i'm fearing
with the Grace
to fully face
my perpetual woe
and gradually recover
my real Self
my true Heart
my authentic Voice
to Breathe a
sigh of relief
and a confession
of doubting belief
and a proclamation
of humbled Exaltation
and guttural Gratitude
for this expansive
and Eternal Latitude
which can only
be expressed through
a languageless Song
of limitless Love
in endless Flow
a wordless Cry
an indescribable Wow
a Sacred Whoah...
#250wordprayers #Advent2023 #ForAllJourneyingWithAnxietyAndDepression #RidingThroughTheDarknessCanUnveilRevelatoryNewLight #DontGiveUp #YouAreNotAlone #YouAreEnough #YouAreLoved #YouAreLove
('The Magical Horse and Rider' © Daniil Lipin)
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