03 January 2025

STOP (and slip into the Gaps)

Trying to will myself out of this 'brain fog' amidst continued bronchial congestion/fatigue, i attempted to write a 'poem' for New Year's. And i finished it....only to discover that i had written one for Epiphany in 2021 with the same title and essentially the same theme (with a lot of the same words/images). i chuckled at it...then almost chucked it...but instead adjusted the title and edited some of the imagery to post the poetical remains of the attempt yesterday as my way of describing 'wheezing' and 'wishing' my way into the new year. Not exactly the stuff of 'high inspiration'.

This discovery saddened me but didn't surprise me, since i've felt for quite some time that i've become an increasingly repetitive 'broken record' in my writing. But i'm also wondering if the illness (the 4th 'bug' i've had in the past 5 months, including my first case of COVID) is a manifestation of a deeper, underlying fatigue of feeling caught in a neverending cycle of crises & challenges in our world and my community and life in general (especially over the past 5 years or so). That sense of feeling stuck appears to be manifesting itself in my Body (in the form of a bug that renders me mostly listless) and my Psyche and Spirit (in the form of a general sense of mindless malaise). And it is heightened in the knowledge that so many more Beloveds are suffering so much extremely and viscerally than i am (which has only led me to continue staying focused on and connected with those Beloveds, to the detriment of my own health). And since the best (read: only) way for my Body to recover is by simply resting, i'm wondering if this illness is a way my Body is trying to communicate with my Psyche and Spirit as if to say it's time to stop writing/speaking/articulating/achieving my way out of this sense of distress and exhaustion, and start simply listening to the Silence in rest and reflection.

So, for once, i'm attempting to listen to my Body...and give It (and those increasingly repetitive words) a rest.

i'll still be working with Words (Living and spoken and written) as a part of my vocation (including an attempt to cobble some meaningful, less repetitive ones together for this Sunday). But my hope (maybe a 'resolution'?) for 2025 is that i would learn to follow an old Ouaker adage (at least i think it's from the Quaker tradition...feel free to chime in if i'm misguided on this)...namely, that in the midst of living life in as centered and healthy way as possible, i would write/speak only when and if it would 'improve upon the Silence'.

Here's to a 2025 where Wisdom and Inspiration emerges from that deepest, most essential and sacred Silence in ways that center our Spirits and still all the incessant white noise of oppression, injustice and violence. 

i appreciate ALL of you...your Infinite patience and persistent encouragement in friendship and kinship are precious and cherished Gifts in our world and my life...and i Love you all...b.

P.S...i'm also thankful that in the midst of a 'fog', sometimes a spark of piercing Light breaks through from ages past to bring some clarity and remind me of what is essential amidst all of the ephemeral and peripheral stuff that has seemed to keep me distracted and unable to center my Self and focus my attention. And this came to me in the form of these miraculously Wise words from the inimitable Annie Dillard...

“I was standing lost, sunk, my hands in my pockets, gazing toward Tinker Mountain and feeling the earth reel down. All at once, I saw what looked like a Martian spaceship whirling towards me in the air. It flashed borrowed light like a propeller. Its forward motion greatly outran its fall. As I watched, transfixed, it rose, just before it would have touched a thistle, and hovered pirouetting in one spot, then twirled on and finally came to rest. I found it in the grass; it was a maple key…Hullo. I threw it into the wind and it flew off again, bristling with animate purpose, not like a thing dropped or windblown, pushed by the witless winds of convection currents hauling round the world’s rondure where they must, but like a creature muscled and vigorous, or a creature spread thin to that other wind, the wind of the spirit that bloweth where it listeth, lighting, and raising up, and easing down. O maple key, I thought, I must confess I thought, O welcome, cheers!

And the bell under my ribs rang a true note, a flourish of blended horns, clarion, sweet, and making a long dim sense... Now when I sway to a fitful wind, alone and listing, I will think, maple key. When I see a photograph of earth from outer space, the planet so startlingly painterly and hung, I will think, maple key. When I shake your hand or meet your eyes, I will think two maple keys. If I am maple key falling, at least I can twirl.

Thomas Merton wrote, 'There is always a temptation to diddle around in the contemplative life, making itsy-bitsy statues.' There is always an enormous temptation in all of life to diddle around making itsy-bitsy friends and meals and journeys for itsy-bitsy years on end. It’s so self-conscious, so apparently moral, simple to step aside from the gaps where the creeks and winds pour down, saying, I never merited this grace, quite rightly, and then to sulk along the rest of your days on the edge of rage. I won’t have it. The world is wilder than that in all directions, more dangerous and bitter, more extravagant and bright. We are making hay when we should be making whoopee; we are raising tomatoes when we should be raising Cain, or Lazarus.

Ezekiel excoriates false prophets who have 'not gone up into the gaps.' The gaps are the thing. The gaps are the spirit’s one home, the altitudes and latitudes so dazzlingly spare and clean that the spirit can discover itself for the first time like a once blind man unbound. The gaps are the cliffs in the rock where you cower to see the back parts of God; they are the fissures between mountains and cells the wind lances through, the icy narrowing fjords splitting the cliffs of mystery. Go up into the gaps. If you can find them; they shift and vanish too. Stalk the gaps. Squeak into a gap in the soil, turn, and unlock - more than a maple - a universe. This is how you spend the afternoon, and tomorrow morning, and tomorrow afternoon. Spend the afternoon. You can’t take it with you.” (from 'Pilgrim at Tinker Creek')

(Sculpture © Albert György, on Lake Geneva, Switzerland)

02 January 2025

the Way Ahead (New Year 2025)

Like the perpetual viruses
pervading our physical health
or the incessant infections
invading our communal Humanity
when we're feeling the
dead weight of dread
compounded by unbounded uncertainty
bearing down upon our
fragile sense of security
wearing down our increasingly
wobbly sense of sanity
it's hard to clearly
envision a Way Ahead
when the approaching weather
outside is frightful and 
inside is downright freezing
and the encroaching powers
are stealth and squeezing
and our collective Breathing
is gasping and wheezing
its way to exhaustion...

Yet within each
sigh of acquiescence
(from the Cosmos
or our Conscience) 
is subtle evidence
that the Wind
is Eternally Breezing

and within each
drop of condensation
(from the Skies
or our Eyes)
is tangible demonstration
that the Flow
is Perpetually Unceasing

and within each
flicker of illumination
(from the Stars
or our Scars)
is visible revelation
that the Light
is Determinedly Increasing...

So maybe
the Way
Ahead is
already revealing
its Self
to Us
and if
so then
the Way
to Be
more fully
set Free
from the
despair that
accosts and
exhausts Us
is to
Be Present
to what
Is innately
within Us
and right
before Us
knowing that
the Love
that made
Us is
with Us
and within
Us and
among Us
and always
for Us
and calls
Us to
reclaim Our
Divine Identity
and rejoin
that Hopeful 
Chorus that
proclaims Hallelujah
and We
Shall Overcome
Some Day
through each
way We
reach out
to each
Beloved One
in need
with Love
genuinely expressed
in deed
the Way
of Life
that came
to Us
as One
of Us
in Simplicity
and Humility
so that
It might
freely Flow
through Us...

Let It Be.

#280wordprayers #HappyNewYear2025 #LetUsBeAnEpiphanyOfSpiritPeaceHopeAndLove #PayAttentionToThePartOfMeAtTheCenterOfTheHeartOfMe

('Beloved Community' © Rupa Sanbui)

25 December 2024

Bringing the Light (Xmas 2024)

into a time
where doom and gloom
have seemingly swallowed
the Stars and Sky
and Minds are whirling
with anything but journeys
through candy cane forests
and swirly twirly gumdrops
losses and longings
grieving our Beings
leaving our Spirits
and our Hearts
numbed off and
two sizes too small
with nothing left
to do or say
and no Xmas Cheer
to Light our way
amidst all our
hurrying and scurrying
and worrying about
the 'how's' and 'what's'
may we always remember
that this Season
is more about
the Beloved 'Who's'
(and the 'WHO')
and for all
the ways our World
has seemingly gone wild
may we never forget
that the Heart
of Christmas resides
in the Heart
of a Child
and a Heart grown
three sizes this Day
will keep on beating
come what may
so let's join
together to say

'Welcome, Xmas!
Bring the Light!
For Love Divine
is born this Night!
Welcome, Christ Child,
Our Delight!
The Bright Morning Star,
a glorious Sight!
The Child reminds Us
with Wonder unfurled
that He (and WE) are
the Light of the World!'

and may We Shine
with true Xmas Spirit
with All, for All
(even Those who
may fear it)
in ways that All
may see It
and hear It
and feel It
and cheer It
and endear it
to All Us Who's
far and near
in Rhythm and Rhyme
right into Our Time'...

Let It Be.

#HappyXmas2024 #240wordprayers #DrSeussAndBuddyTheElfAndJesusTheChristFTW #XmasDayWillAlwaysBeJustAsLongAsWeHaveWe #TheBestWayToSpreadXmasCheerIsSingingLoudForAllToHear #InTheLightOfLoveWeHaveNothingToFear

Yet The Whos Sang Merrily - The American Conservative

13 December 2024

(A)lonely Together

When i can't even
lift my eyes up
to the scuttled hole 
in the Sacred Ground
(let alone to the 
Hills or Heavens above)
where does my Help 
or Hope come from?
Maybe simply knowing that 
other bedraggled Beloved Ones
are out there Somewhere
(like that fledgling Family
traveling through treacherous times
on an arduous journey
deeper into the Night
following a curious flurry
of Stars and Signs
amidst increasingly furious Sighs
for birthing new Suns)
breathing the same Air
chewing the same cud
stewing on insane crud
undoing all that's been
screwing with their senses
of what's most Real
and unearthing all that
fear has been stowing
away within that hole
in the Sacred Ground
and allowing the Truth
buried beneath it all
to burrow Its long
forgotten Right of Way
(through mooing and moaning
and bleating and groaning
and breathing and pushing)
out into the begotten
Light of Day emerging
and showing All that 
is still Glowingly Growing
(through Clouds of Unknowing)
in a redemptive Reveal
of all Radiance concealed
and whispering Winds that
are still Blessedly Blowing
in a Way where
all of Us wayward
Souls see our tears
and sweat and strains
and worries and pains
somehow evaporate and cumulate
into a showering Rain
and converge and congeal
into a River Flowing
in Mysterious Motion into
an Ocean of Love
that extends and transcends
all Hills and Heavens
and Fables and Stables
that embraces all despair
in that empowering Hope
that calms trembling palms
and comforts traumatized Hearts
so heavily weighed down 
in weariness and worriedness
that we can't even
lift our eyes up
and reminds Us that 
loneliness can trap us 
in a deceptive phoniness
that blinds Us to
the receptive Kindness that
lowers our defenses and
opens our wounded Spirits
and heals our hardened
Hearts and restores our 
Vision to clearly see
(beyond all virtual reality)
for all the ways
we may feel like
we are confined in
a dungeon called 'Me'
we are intertwined in 
a Communion called 'We'...

Let It Truly Be.

#340wordprayers #Advent2024 #WeAreNotEstrangedOrSeparatedFromCreatorAndCreationAndCreationsAndNeverHaveBeenAndNeverWillBeNoMatterHowHardWeTryToConvinceOurselvesOtherwiseByActingInWaysUnwise #WeAreNotAlone #WeAreOne #WeAreLoved #WeAreLove

('No Room At The Inn' © Stushie)

07 December 2024

Love With Us (Again)

You ponder how
such a possibility
could become Reality
when she was
merely a girl
not even one
score (forget three)

and wide-eyed with 
wonder, open-minded with
curiosity and strong-hearted 
with bravery to 
engage anxious unpredictability 
to co-create radiant 
incarnality beyond potentiality

(I can imagine 
it was daunting 
and haunting to
know that tremblingly
tangoing with transcendence
and dearly dancing
with Divine destiny 

will ultimately lead
to tremendous resistance
from those created
to nurture her
that she ended
up nurturing herself)
when unrealistic expectations 

meet with idealistic
anticipations replete with
messy antics and 
messianic venerations to
nearly necessitate retreat
yet here she
goes and shows

again what courage
beholds and beauty
unfolds in thunder
foretold a new
day of birth
a precious Being
of matchless worth...

Love With Us.

#Advent2024 #MaryDidKnowAndDecidedToGoForwardInCourageAndTrust #TrueCharacterBeyondCharacterization #LoveThatTranscendsExpectationsAndSituationsAndLocations

('Waiting for Incarnation' © Mary Stephen)

28 November 2024

Gift of All (Thanksgiving 2024)

for this Earth
upon which We
take each Breath
and are given
each Heart Beat
and of which
We are made
and each shimmer
of Light that
glimmers in Our 
eyes and each 
rush of Wind
that fills Our 
lungs and each 
touch of Love 
that thrills Our 
senses and stills 
Our fears and 
absorbs Our tears 
and warms Our 
Hearts as they 
continue to Beat 
through the losses
and all that
causes Us to
lose sanity and
tosses Us up
and beats Us
down in despair
Flowing through the 
Beloveds who keep
on showing up
through it all
and help Us
face it all
and embrace Us
and Grace Us
with encouragement to
keep growing up
within it all
(even when We
find it hard
to give Thanks)
into a Rebirth
that remembers how
we've wounded Each 
Other and Our
Planet and Ourselves
and surrenders all
delusions of grandeur
illusions of control
collusions of guilt
with subversive shame
to live Life
with openness and
honesty and integrity 
cherishing all Beloveds
simply for Being
Who We Are
and treasuring our
One Sacred Home
as One Humanity
and give Life
to Each Other
as the greatest
Gift of All...

Thank You.

#200wordprayers #HappyThanksgiving2024 

('Sacred Circle', artist unknown)

16 November 2024

disturbances and Convergences

waking up already
feeling like Earth
is shaking up
and breaking apart
from a bludgeoned
and broken Heart
quaking in fear
of what might
disappear from sight
amidst threats spoken
in counterfeit bravado
and ostentatious audacity
(and dangerously pretentious
and misguided 'spirituality')
to keep Us
blinded by fright
basic Human Rights
being systematically denied
whilst overstuffed pockets
are relentlessly lined
with riches propitiously
and maliciously mined
from the sockets
of languishing limbs
and extracted eyes
sucking the marrow
out of skeletal
remains of Humanity
in this calamity
of harrowing disturbance
of the Force
how much more
insanity can we
Hope to survive?

maybe by making 
up our Minds
and harkening our
Hearts and opening
up our Souls
and relinquishing all
illusions of control
and leaning in
to the more
Essential Elemental Reality
that not only
maintains our sanity
but also reverberates
with Riches extravagantly 
and Graciously shared
as Naturally as
the rolling Waves
the towering Trees
the mystifying Mountains
the shimmering Skies
showering down Rays
of Resilient Radiance
waking Us All
ready to return
in faithful recurrence
to the Source
of our Centered
Peace and Strength
the Silence that
silences the violence
that suffocates Us
helping Us face
whatever awaits Us
(whether it be
a caustic insurgence
or Cosmic Convergence) 
with calm Courage
and gratuitous Grace
reminding Us that
it is always
better to Love
than be 'right'
and this Love
is what empowers
Us to persist
and resist and
persevere through fear
all the Way
to the End
of the Line
knowing through all
the terrorizing turbulence 
of despair there 
is an Uprising 
Emergence of Hope
and however tight
our Hearts might
become it's gonna
Be All Right
since We have
been Created with
the surprising Capacity
to not only
endure but endear
to not merely
survive but Thrive...

#300wordprayers #SeeingTheViolenceWithinAndAroundUsAndListeningToTheSilence #FumblingMyWayThroughDespairAndStumblingOntoHope #TravelingWilburysFTW 

('Samhain' - gathering of all Creation in the 'Thin Space of Spirit' © Elin Manon)